Top 10 Best Puella Magi Madoka Magica Characters

The Top Ten
1 Homura Akemi Homura Akemi is a fictional character from the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.

Homura is the best character of all time so no wonder she's the number one. She was Madoka's very best friend, Madoka didn't even know how much Homura loved her and was trying to save her from dying. She kept repeating the month over and over again hoping she would save Madoka. She was that caring even though everyone thought she was just a mature and serious girl. Her life was terrible but Madoka came across and saved her life. So this time, Homura wanted to save Madoka. She did everything she could, even though Madoka just ended up re-inventing the universe and Homura was alone. Without Homura, this anime would have stunk.

2 Kyōko Sakura Kyoko Sakura is a fictional character from the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.

She's the epitome of resilience, and the fact that she's magically handicapped but is so powerful, badass and genuinely kind is admirable.

I don't know how Sayaka is better than Kyoko. Sayaka made a wish on her crush, a kinda selfish wish too, because she wanted her crush to love her and she only fixed him so they could be together. Then, when she didn't get him, she turned into a witch and hurt all of her friends. Kyoko dealt with so much. She made a truly selfless wish, she wanted to see her dad happy, and she was happy not bragging about her powers, letting her dad get the people and she defeated the evil witches. But when her dad found out, he called her a witch, even when she was so young and was actually fighting witches, then killed her family which she was trying so hard to protect, then killed himself. Instead of turning into a witch and hurting people though, she still kept fighting, gathering grief seeds to get stronger, and she learned her lesson. While it might be wrong for her to think she needs to be selfless, she did really think she was doing the right thing.

But what makes me respect her so much is when she started to change. It showed she still had a heart of gold. She tried to save Sayaka, seeing her innocent self in her, and wanted to preserve Sayaka's innocence. And in the end, she made the ULTIMATE SACRIFICE. She died to save witch Sayaka and let her die in peace, and Madoka and Homura so they run away and save THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE.

In the end, she never even got a happy ending. But she was okay with that. She made her own happy ending, saving so many people, and the ones she loves. She's the character that grew the most, the most 3-dimensional, and the most tragic. She's definitely my favourite character

3 Sayaka Miki Sayaka Miki is a fictional character from the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.

Sayaka is such a relatable and realistic character! She doesn't have that stereotypical life story like everyone else (don't get me wrong, they're great, but such stereotypes), and in the end, it's no happily ever after. Sayaka just goes to prove that sometimes, the odds are not in your favour. Her wish leads to torment and heartbreak, and eventually the pressure becomes too much. People say that it was a mistake on her part. But when your crush and best friend is suddenly up aginst the ropes, and you only have a matter of time before you drift away from them, what else would you be expected to do? She was a regular child, lured in by her own fantasy inside of her mind. Honestly, when you gave up your life to save a loved one, you'd expect to have a perfect love story. In a way, she reminds me of the little mermaid. Mermaid gives her tongue to be with the prince, he fall for the other girl, mermaid dies instead of seeking revenge. The struggle is real, because so many people have felt like herself before. Some even took her same path, and while upsetting, her character is amazing.

4 Madoka Kaname Madoka Kaname is the titular protagonist of the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.

I didn't like the other main characters in the series. Homura and Mami were okay, but Sayaka and Kyoko just GOT ON MY NERVES! Sayaka made a wish for her crush, her crush didn't even like Sayaka and even though she saved him he ended up liking Hitomi! DUMB! Kyoko was plain annoying, she tries to be cool and she cusses too much and she's gonna get fat eating all that food. Madoka however, was a GREAT character! I'm glad she didn't just become a Magical Girl without really knowing what she wanted. She waited until the last episode to make her wish and contract with Kyubey and her wish turned out AMAZING! She saved all those poor Magical Girls. I felt bad for Homura though, her life was pretty much planned out for nothing. Madoka was such a kind girl. She became a God, while saving everybody. Nobody but Homura and her brother Junko had memory of her. Her other beloved friends and unfortunately her parents didn't know who she was at all. Madoka re-invented the universe because she was such a kind soul. She may have a sad ending, but she was a great character.

5 Mami Tomoe Mami Tomoe (Japanese: 巴マミ) is a fictional character and one of the five main magical girls from the 2011 anime series, Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media. She serves as a protagonist alongside Kyoko Sakura in The Different Story.

Mami is my tv crush, jeez she is so pretty and cute I really love her design and she is the magical girl I'm definitely looking for and I wished she had more screentime! Mami deserves more attention

She was my favorite character in the anime. When she died I was like "What!? ". I really liked her character and just the way she is, not to mention she has the best fighting style in my opinion. It' been two days since I finished the anime and I'm still not over her death, even is she wasn't in the story for long, I find her death depressing cause she just wanted to help people and ended up paying a heavy price for it, I guess in a way I see myself in her even though I'm a dude I was just like her once. She isn't just my favorite character in this anime, she's probably in my top 5 of not top 3 list of my all time favorite anime characters.

6 Kyubey Kyubey is a fictional character from the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.

Kyubey is a nice character. He's cute, but that doesn't mean you should trust him. He didn't know he was tricking the magical girls, he thought he was just helping them and making a fair deal. You can't exactly blame Kyubey for that. Just imagine Kyubey as a Puella Magi! Come on people. Kyubey would be SO COOL! Everyone thinks he's all evil. Wait, if Kyubey is a boy how could he become a Puella Magi? Oh well. STILL.

His concept is very interesting. He is practically the living embodiment of "Looks can be deceiving". In other words, those who underestimate him will be most shocked by him revealing his purpose for making contracts with magical girls later on in the series. Trust me, I've seen all 12 episodes of this anime to know this guy isn't all cute and innocent as he appears to be.

7 Nagisa

Even though she was only in the Rebellion movie, she's adorable. Can't wait to see her in the new Madoka project!

Nagisa should have more fans she's cute lovable and kawaii! I think she should be at least #6 I mean hitomi is the WORST character

8 Junko Kaname

She's feeling like such a real mom, full of wisdom. The fact that she seems to also hold a lot of sadness, like I'm the scene where she's drinking, talking to madoka, makes her character really powerful. She's the boomb

She's one of the best anime mothers ever, caring, understanding and supportive of her daughter. Seriously, how did Hitomi and Kyōsuke get higher than her?

Sweet little boy. Madoka's little brother.

9 Madoka Goddess
10 Devil Homura

Twisted, sucker for love and crazy, also likes drinking tea.

The Contenders
11 Hitomi Shizuki

What she did to her friends was very unacceptable. First, she had the idea that they were lesbian, two, she stole Kyousuke from Sayaka, the guy she(Hitomi)didn't even bother to see Kyousuke when his arm is broken. True, her designs was nice but she was annoying. Many guys would love to date her, But she went for the guy her friend loves. What friend would do that?

Hitomi is a pretty good character. I feel bad for her though because she is left out. Madoka and Sayaka get to have the better experience with the Puella Magis and Hitomi doesn't. She probably felt lonely and confused. Plus, she has super pretty hair.

12 Kazuko Saotome

Pretty much the Taiga Fujimura (a character from Fate/Stay Night) of Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

13 Bebe
14 Ultimate Madoka
15 Kyōsuke Kamijō

He was a jerk to Sayaka. Sayaka did everything for him, But he scolded her, saying that she was mocking his inability to play the violin. I wish Sayaka would slap him

Sayaka was literally the only one who would visit him in the hospital until he got better. She put so much time and effort to being with him, and he was so rude to her. Mocking your inability to play the violin? Why would Sayaka ever do that? She's literally you closest friend WHO HAD ROMANTIC INTEREST IN YOU. This is why everyone says Kyosuke is an ass.

16 Akuma Homura
17 Oktavia Von Seckendorff

Don't you think the way Sayaka summon Oktavia in Rebellion was totally badass and cool?!

18 Charlotte

Because she's so cute! She is a witch but so what I mean look at her! ADORABLE

19 Homulilly
20 Tatsuya Kaname
21 Kriemhild Gretchen
22 Elsa Maria
23 Nakazawa
24 Kristine
25 Kyoko Sakura Kyoko Sakura is a fictional character from the 2011 anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica and its related media.
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