Top Ten Punch-Out!! Wii Themes

Punch Out for the Wii has a lot of memorable tracks, which are great to listen to on their own. The fighter themes have become my particular favourite, each theme is a rendition of the same track but with a twist relaing to where the fighter comes from, it works surprisingly well. Anyway, let's count down the best of these.

KO! Let's win this fight with the Top Ten Punch-Out!! Wii Themes
The Top Ten
1 Soda Popinski Theme

This theme is frankly epic. It's so fitting to have the huge Russian character have this grand theme, it gives you chills. The backing choir and the loud instruments make this a memorable track and my favourite of the fighter themes.

2 World Circuit Theme
3 Von Kaiser Theme

Von Kaiser is my favourite Punch Out boxer, but even if I despised him this theme would keep its spot just for beign so grand and epic, very similar to the Soda Popinski one except...more German, I guess?

4 Minor Circuit Theme

This theme is just the classic Punch Out theme, and there is nothing wrong with that. It's quick and catchy and all of the other fighter themes are based on it. You know what they say, you can't beat the original. This great track is no exception.

Eh? Eh? Vive la france.

5 Mr.Sandman Theme
6 Aran Ryan Theme

I love Aran Ryan, and Ireland (maybe not a certain toptenner who originates from Ireland though) and this theme is great.

7 Disco Kid Theme

I love this theme. Very disco sounding like and a feel good vibe to it.

8 Major Circuit Theme
9 Major Circuit Title Bout Theme
10 Bear Hugger Theme
The Contenders
11 Super Macho Man Theme
12 Bald Bull Theme
13 Glass Joe Theme

A WORK OF ART. Reminds me of Mozart. The instruments were made by God himself. I have spent 10 years playing the Glass Joe theme on loop without eating, drinking, or sleeping, I DIDN'T BLINK TOO! I feel like I would give away my children and wife too still listen to this work of art.

It sounds a lot like a Pixar theme, but I like it.

14 Great Tiger Theme
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